Dr. Jason Loken, ND

Jason Loken, ND, DOMP, PhD (CAND)

Jason. Loken, ND, DOMP, PhD (cand) is passionate about transforming our beliefs around healing and embracing our limitless potential.

With over 20 years in natural health care he has founded the Centre For Integrative Medicine, a healing center that amalgamates his training in Integrative Medicine, Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathy, Applied Kinesiology, Massage Therapy, and the Walsh Mental Health Approach. Jason Loken is the former professor of Orthopedics and Physical Medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathy.

He lectures internationally and has appeared on both television and radio discussing topics such as disease prevention, optimal health, stress management and mental health. In his expanding efforts to bring care and ease into people’s lives and ultimately this world, Dr. Loken has co-created support organizations called Adventures in Joy: Awaken Your True Potential; as well as GlobalShifts.

He is the author of two books including the inspirational book, “Letters that Move the World; Intentional Acts of Gratitude”. The vision of this book is to create a focused moment for positive change in our world. His most recent book, “Understanding to Knowing: Unlocking Your Path to Optimal Health”, assists individuals back into the driver’s seat of their own health and offers practical solutions to a myriad of health problems.

It is his sincere belief that when we take the time to truly care for ourselves we ignite our innate capacity to care for others and ultimately our world.


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