Listen to all the episodes from This Series.
Episode 125: Light Codes And Remembering Who We Are with Huna Mauta Taki, “AKA” Huna Flash
Lemurian Light Shaman Huna Mauta Taki affectionately known as Huna Flash joins us again to share with us a Shamans perspective on energy, frequency and vibration. In this episode Huna Flash helps us understand the meaning behind light codes and geometric patterns and...
Episode 124: Human Stupidity and the Next Technological Revolution With Jason Estes (Part 2)
Tune in to part 2 of our conversation with Jason Estes. If you enjoyed last week’s part one, you are going to love part 2. In this episode Jason further explains how the “Structure” of our body and our field are the basis for healing, how to discern what is true from...
Episode 123: Quantum Energy Wellness Beds and Precautions to Plant Medicines with Jason Estes (Part 1)
In today’s episode we are joined by Jason Estes, co-creator of the much anticipated, Quantum Energy Wellness Beds. Jason not only explains how these beds can facilatate our innate ability to heal but also dives deep into how we can naturally recharge our batteries,...
Episode 122: Changes in the Magnetic Grid, The 12 Layers of DNA and our Multidimensional Selves with Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi.
Lee Carroll and Monika Muranyi join us again to share the benevolent and insightful messages of Kryon. Listen in as they explain how the magnetics on the planet are changing, how human consciousness is related to the planetary magnetics and the 12 multi-dimentional...
Episode 121: Chakras, Charge and the Energy Body with Anodea Judith Ph.D.
Internationally recognized expert in the Chakras and energy psychology, Anodea Judith PhD joins us today to share her decades of wisdom. Anodea explains how energy becomes blocked in the body and how the concepts of charge and discharge are essential to healing these...
Episode 120: Cymatics, The Geometry of Sound, Ascension and The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® with Drs J.J. and Desiree Hurtak
If you’ve ever wondered how sound and light can be a catalyst for spiritual ascension than tune in to today’s episode. Join us as legends in the field of metaphysics, Drs J.J and Desiree Hurtak, explain how all life is vibration, how sound frequencies are being used...
Episode 119: The Healing Frequency to Open Your Third Eye with Jiulio Consiglio
In today’s episode spiritual teacher and author, Jiulio Consiglio helps us to understand the “Healing Frequency.” Join us as Jiulio explains how presence can be used as an ascension ladder, insights as to what is currently happening on the planet at this time, how to...
Episode 118: Energy Medicine, Tapping, Muscle Testing And How To Rekindle the Passion In Your relationship with Donna Eden & Dr. David Feinstein
Join us today as energy avatars Donna Eden and Dr. David Feinstein PhD enlighten us with over 40 years of insights into energy medicine. Donna and David explain what exactly energy medicine is, when we can as well as when we can’t trust the body and how to rekindle...
Episode 117 : Creation Story, Indigenous Insights & The Power of Nature In Spiritual Development with Darryl Williams and Christine Dulong
Today we welcome back Mohawk elder Darryl Williams and our good friend Christine Dulong to share with us the traditional indigenous perspective on energy, frequency and vibration. Join us as we learn about the original creation story from the Hopi tradition and how...