Learn how to integrate the ageless wisdom from this ancient practice into your life when you need it most.

Series Starts April 20th, 2020

Sarah Powers

Co-Founder of the Insight Yoga Institute


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Stephen Cope

Best Selling Author


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Rod Stryker

World-renowned Yoga and Meditation Teacher


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Yumee Chung



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Hali Schwartz

Yoga Philosophy Educator


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Josh Cohen

20 years of Experience Practicing and Teaching Meditation


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Paulie Zink

Privately Trained For 10 years by a Kung Fu master


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Scott Davis

Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine


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Trina Altman

Creator of Yoga Deconstructed® and Pilates Deconstructed®


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Jules Mitchell



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Yoga: A Practice To Inform

And Transform Your Life

Here is an overview of each episode:


Sarah Powers: Insight Yoga, Postures And Prana, And How To Move From Fear To Clarity 

In today’s episode Sarah Powers, co-founder of the Insight Yoga Institute and author of Insight Yoga, shares her decades of wisdom in interweaving yoga, Buddhism, Taoism, and Transpersonal psychology. Join us today as we gain a deeper appreciation for the subtleties of Chi and Prana, breakdown the 3 key benefits to mindfulness, and learn how we can begin the process of moving from uncertainty and fear to a place of calm and clarity.


Finding Your True Calling, and Why it Matters Now More Than Ever with Stephen Cope

In today’s episode one of the most influential thinkers, writers, and teachers on the current American yoga scene shares with us his decades of wisdom. Join best selling author, Stephen Cope, as we break down what it means to live your true calling, the 4 pillars of Dharma, the 5 different paths to deepening your spirituality and so much more!


Finding Meaning within Suffering with Rod Stryker

In today’s episode, world-renowned yoga and meditation teacher, Rod Stryker, shares with us the vast experience and wisdom that he has accumulated over the past 40 years.
Join us today as Rod helps us to better understand the value in suffering, the importance of connecting to breath and body sensation, and some sage advice on how we can use uncertainty and challenge as a catalyst for self discovery.


Navigating the New Era of Virtual Yoga with YuMee Chung

In this episode YuMee Chung, a former securities lawyer turned yoga and meditation instructor shares with us her thoughts on where yoga may be going in this new era of on-line teaching. Listen in as we explore the changes that have taken place in the yoga community since COVID19, What happens when yoga goes virtual and learn how yoga may be the best strategy for your life at this most needed time.


Bringing The Philosophy Of Yoga Into Your Life with Hali Schwartz

Join Hali Schwartz, a seasoned yoga philosophy educator as we dive deep into questions such as: What is yoga? Why do we as humans experience roadblocks to understanding and knowing our true reality? And how can we use yogic teachings to help us with the stresses and challenges of our everyday lives?


The Transformative Power Of Meditation and Mindfulness with Josh Cohen

In this episode Josh Cohen, 20-year veteran in the practice and teaching of meditation, enlightens us to the benefits and nuances of meditation and mindfulness.  He shows us practical ways to integrate these skills into our daily life and explains how regular meditation can literally change our brains.


The “Art of Yin Yoga” And The Fountain Of Youth with Paulie Zink

In a rare interview today’s guest, Paulie Zink, the founder of “Yin Yoga” elaborates on the origins of his yoga style. He shares the influences that both nature and the animals have had on its development, how Yin yoga relates to healing and the 5-element theory of Chinese Medicine and how the embodiment of this experiential practice could well be the fountain of youth and health that we have all been looking for.


The 3 Most Important Pillars Of Health and The Power Of Deep Rest And Retreat with Scott Davis

Join us as today as we learn the 3 most important pillars to health, the importance of deep rest, and why retreats can be so profoundly transformational. His multi-faceted approach helps you identify what is deficient so that you can fill in the gaps to give yourself better functionality overall.


Yoga And Pilates Deconstructed: A Multifaceted Approach To Movement with Trina Altman

In todays episode, Trina Altman, creator of Yoga Deconstructed® and Pilates Deconstructed® explains what may be missing in the yoga scene today. She elaborates on how cross training and a multi-faceted approach to movement may decrease your risk for injury and why improving your proprioception and your interoception is so vital for both body and brain.


Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined with Jules Mitchell

Join us today as Jules Mitchell, author of “Yoga Biomechanics: Stretching Redefined”, explains how the understanding of biomechanics transformed the way that she teaches yoga asana. She breaks downs the importance of thinking more critically around yoga asana, movement, stretching, and strengthening and the importance of bearing load on connective tissues when it comes to injury prevention.

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