Lauren Reznick .S CCC-SLP, Reg. CASLPO
Speech-Language Pathologist
Lauren received her Masters Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from the University of Wisconsin. Her current clinical practice focuses on baby, infant, and toddler populations. Lauren is dedicated to providing families with an eclectic, holistic, and thorough approach to feeding and speech and language challenges.
Additional Training: Myofunctional Therapy, DIRFloortime, Hanen, PROMPT, Kaufman Protocol, Social Thinking, Talk Tools, Beckman Oral Motor Therapy, SOS Feeding Therapy.
Special Interests: Feeding, Myofunctional Therapy, Motor Speech Disorders, Early Intervention.
Lauren Reznick Therapy Services is a unique facility built around functionality and motivation. We offer play-based therapy services that keep our clients motivated, and increase generalization. Our facility includes sensory motor gyms, where we conduct evaluations and treatment. These gyms are child-friendly environments that entice children to engage and communicate. Our gyms also encourage movement to enhance self-regulation and attending behaviours. This input assists our clients to meet their goals.