Episode 233: Second Chances: From Surviving to Thriving with Dr. Ken Harris
Dr. Ken Harris joins us today to talk about his newest book Second Chances From Surviving to Thriving. This book is incredibly timely and helps us to connect to our own inner courage, resilience and healing in times of challenge and struggle. This is a beautiful...
Episode 232: GodTalk: Experience Your Direct Connection To A Higher Power with Neale Donald Walsch
New York Times best-selling author of the Conversations With God series, Neale Donald Walsch rounds out our conversations on how to create a New Earth. Neale shares with us insights that he has gained over his 30 years of conversing with God. In this episode he shares...
Episode 231: Healing Immersions: Creating An Optimal Environment to Heal with Dave Vass
Dave Vass from the Healing Oasis joins us today to share his journey from the tech industry to creating a sanctuary for people dealing with cancer. We discuss the elements often necessary for healing to occur, the role of mind, body and spirit, and candid...
Episode 230: Humanity is Going Through a Reckoning with Paul Selig
Paul Selig, the perfect guest to finish off our series on Creating New Earth, a Collaborative Mission, joins us today to explain how humanity is going through a reckoning. We discuss the role of knowing and worth in creating our reality, some of the biggest “Aha”...
Episode 229: Reconnecting To Your Own Nature Through Nature with Lesley Tierra
Lesley Tierra, author of A Kid’s Herb Book, shares with us different ways to engage our children in the natural world. Her book is filled with great ideas, games, exercises and some of the most powerful and versatile herbs that kid’s can explore and experiment with....
Episode 228: Zero Point Field, Stem Cells & Reversing The Aging Process with Dr. Todd Ovokaitys
Dr. Todd joins us once again to share with us new advancements he is making with his patented laser stem cell therapies. We also discuss the Zero Point field and how to access its infinite potential, the greatest thing we can do for our children and how we...
Episode 227: A New Paradigm Shift in Education For Our Children…Here Now! with Andrew Freeman
Andrew Freeman, founder of Coherence Education joins us today to share his insights into a new way of supporting our children and the way they learn. Listen in as we discuss what really matters when it comes to the skills and knowledge that will help your child thrive...
Episode 226: Using Scalar energy to Balance Emotional Dis-Ease & Raise Cell Voltage
One of the leading avatars in the field of integrative medicine, Dr. Jerry Tennant, joins us again today to shed some light on the concept of scalar energy. He also shares with us his revolutionary approach to healing emotional scars using scalar energy and we discuss...
Episode 225: Reclamation of Health, Sovereignty & The New Earth Farmacy with Sacha Stone
Sacha Stone joins us on the Inspire Health Podcast to share fascinating medical breakthroughs that are here and available now in the New earth Farmacy. We talk about the importance of reclaiming out sovereignty and disentangling from the parent corporations and being...